Candidia Cruikshanks, CEO of Wealth Bondage
One Line Bio
Venture Capitalist and Social Venture Partner, ChairWoman of Wealth Bondage
The generous patron who funds Gifthub, and chairs its board, Ms. Cruikshanks is regarded as the goddess of the Free Market System. A Social Venture Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, she has in her business life, built and bankrupted entire industries, squandered billions, thrown millions out of work, received billions in government bailouts, and achieved in the process a vast personal fortune.
A graduate of Harvard Business School, Candy heads Heavenly Choir, Inc., investing in Sustainable Social Ventures with a double bottom like, social benefit and benefit to Candidia. Her current portfolio includes Lady Chocolate, making and marketing a line of organic candy through boutique retailers; Cosmotic Soap developed from seaweed to tone and tighten skin dehydrated by airline travel; and Optima Child Care, a chain of Day Care Centers provided as an amenity by Gated Communities.
Candy serves on the Boards of Heritage Foundation, Atlantic Legal Foundation, and NGO Watch. In Wealth Bondage she trains Politicians, Journalists, and Religious Leaders for a life of Public Service. Candy is Founder and CEO of Rooster Foundation, Crowing in the New American Century. Candidia generously funds day to day operations at Gifthub and pays Mr. Cubeta a modest per word blogging fee, while providing the style guidelines he scrupulously follows.
In Her Own Words
I have $1 bil and a fucking Harvard MBA. What do you have, little man?