Julie Kilmer in Academe Online:
Students for Academic Freedom, just one of several new conservative student organizations, has chapters on 150 campuses. These chapters collect documentation of what they label as political abuses in the classroom and advocate for the "Academic Bill of Rights" developed by conservative activist David Horowitz. The group, according to its mission statement, promotes the belief that
the atmosphere that prevails on most college campuses today does not foster intellectual diversity or the disinterested pursuit of knowledge. Liberal Arts faculties at most universities are politically and philosophically one-sided, while partisan propagandizing often intrudes into classroom discourse. It is appropriate for faculty to want open-minded students in their classes, not disciples. Faculty bias is reflected in the curriculum of courses available, in the manner in which they are taught, in readings assigned for classroom study, and in discussions only open to one side of a debate.
These groups also encourage students to bring complaints against faculty to administrators.
Academic Freedom site here. Analysis by Sourcewatch here.