Joseph Fosco on Lord Conrad Black, our Brother in Christ, now teaching history in the penitentiary:
Martha Stewart, Governor George Ryan, Scooter Libby, Dick Cheney and many of our Presidents (late and living), including our current President (and so many other people) can surely sympathize with Lord Black's disappointment in America's flawed Justice System.
May God shine over all who have been unjustly accused of a crime. On a personal note, I am grateful that our fine country allows for the wrongfully convicted to seek pardons, that they may find redress for their just grievances. Through God and with God, may Father Raymond and all of the many supporters continue to stand by our dear brother-in-Christ, Lord Black.
What has disappointed me most in this whole sordid saga is that Hudson Institute has not stood by our Brother in Christ, Lord Conrad Black, at least not publicly, as far as I know. Joseph Fosco should not have to engage the press alone in this unequal combat, while the heavy hitters at Hudson write about donative intent and other metaphysical topics that provide Conrad with not a single day's freedom, let alone a full Presidential Pardon. Those thinkers who served Conrad and Christ when he (Conrad) was on the Board at Hudson might now step forward with at least a half-hearted screed in his (Conrad's) defense. As nonconsensual, pro bono, Morals Tutor to Lord Black, I have stood by him in his time of need, offering The Consolations of Philosopy, and pouring salt into the wounds, lest they become inflamed. Upon his pardon, or parole, I hope to be rewarded for my efforts. Ah, just imagine it, "Phil Cubeta, Senior Fellow." Maybe I can get Scooter Libby's old office.