My friend and mentor, and some would say alter ego, or even hallucination, The Happy Tutor, said last night, as we squeegeed car windows in the traffic jam outside the Taylor Swift concert, “The Translatio studii, or traffic in culture and ideas across time and space which always mirrors the rise and fall of military and commercial empires, is now the translation of culture via General Purpose Language Models and those who own and control them.” I have no idea what he was talking about, and have zero interest in culture, and feel sorry for those who do, and could care less about where it comes from or goes, but we did gross $50 each from one night’s work, which is not the $7 trillion needed to fund AI chip development, but is not bad. All cash, too, including one five dollar bill. Yes, it was counterfeit, but I passed it for an Olde English 800, and got a dollar back plus change, nonetheless.