Audrey, the world’s wealthiest heir, she who will own, rule, and save the world, went as Joan of Arc last year. She kept the sword and went this year as a Pirate extorting treats from the minimum wage wait staff at swordpoint. Who said life is fair? “The strong prevail,” Tutor explains in his best insane news announcer voice, “and the weak perish.” “But that is wrong,” says Audrey. She has taken the fearsome Pirate mask off, and is redistributing her booty to those those retainers most in need of candy and nuts. She is a good kid. We as a nation, planet, and species are in good hands.
I have a pressure washer with a pump that enters "bypass mode" (water recirculates in a closed loop within the pump) when the engine is on and the trigger is not depressed.
If the recirculating water and the pump get too hot, a relief valve opens and the water spurts out, and fresh, cooler water flows in.
The operator is supposed to pull the trigger, relieving pressure, every two minutes at least. If that will not be possible, she is supposed to shut the engine down.
A sticker on the chassis reads: "Warning. Do not rely on the relief valve to preserve the system. It is designed for use only rarely as a fail-safe."
Will Audrey be a reliable operator of a system like this?
Posted by: Cackety D | October 31, 2019 at 10:13 PM