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June 28, 2017


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Phil Cubeta

A bit low rent for the WB Clientele. But in a recent upscale retreat, I was pleased to see a former priest turned wealth consultant to very rich families, use a Buddhist temple bell to bring us to our authentic self. All it was missing was the donkey's whinny, and kick, to express my true self. Dryden, too, though, had much to reproach himself for, as Poet Laureate. And maybe even Virgil, who I have heard cited at these conferences. (Mentors come from Athena, so too we as godlike advisors enter the precincts of power to preserve Dynasties from their own vice and folly, for 100 years or more. If only DJT, Jr had been properly mentored he might have been more discrete in meeting with the Russian emissaries. Those oligarchs, too, have some rough edges that one trained in Virgil might smooth away, for the right fee.

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