We in Wealth Bondage know you have many choices today for Wealth and Wisdom Consulting and for passing on family values and for insuring that your family remains dynastic for 100 years or more. We recognize that we are not the only "Trusted Advisors" who have read Virgil, Chaucer, Dante, Freud, or dipped into the Bible. But we would like to suggest that before engaging any of our competitors you ask these simple qualifying questions. Our answers are provided for your reference.
Q: Have you taken a vow of poverty?
A: The Happy Tutor has, Phil has remained broke all is professional life without the benefit of vows.
Q: Have you taken (and observed) a vow of chastity?
A: The Happy Tutor took that vow and acknowledges an improvement opportunity in this area; Phil took no such vow, but reports long term success in keeping it
Q: Do you hold a Divinity Degree?
A: Tutor: from Oxford, 1551; Phil: no.
Q: If yes, have you been defrocked?
A: Tutor: technically, no.
Q: As to Wisdom, can you keep a straight face?
A: Tutor: yes. Phil: yes. Our clients find us hilarious. Two straight men, with no need of a comic.
Q: But how can you keep a straight face?
A: Tutor: to master others I must master myself; Phil: we wouldn't be funny if we didn't
Q: As to Virtues of Flourishing Families, do you mean filthy rich families only?
A: Tutor: yes. Phil: yes. This is a wisdom-and-wealth-industry-wide best practice.
Q: As to a Flourishing Family of Wealth in a Flourishing Society of the Non-Wealthy, where do you find support for your position?
A: Tutor: in Rome, Greece, Moscow, London, New York, Rio, wherever dynasties have flourished at the expense of the people. Phil: in the Gospels properly understood while reading them standing on my head.
Q: If you two clowns are so wise and virtuous why aren't you rich and famous?
A: Tutor: as a monk, took vows of poverty and humility. Phil: I will be soon; I am dating one of my best clients, rich, dumb, old, and ugly. No living heirs. My intentions are honorable.