PMA has achieved what appears to be an effortless breakthrough in planning for truly successful families, those who affirm and plan for a community larger than self and family. "Effortless grace," achieved with endless effort, and self overcoming. Sprezzatura: We may be professional courtiers to wealth and power, but in the spirit of Horace and Castiglione, this is how from the best advisors are supposed to sound, from within a wisdom tradition that encompasses some of the best and worst in human history (Rome under the Emperors, Italy under the Mediciis, America here and now). We may not be able to endow our clients with a social conscience, nor are we permitted to lecture, hector, or sermonize, (nor satirize, of course, as only a madman or fool might attempt) but gracefully suggest? I am tormented and driven to extremes trying to say what PMA says with such tact, apparent ease, kindness, and grace. If her work and manner are not the future of our profession, we in wealth planning are on the wrong path. If you try to walk that path, you will soon see how clumsy we all are by comparison, so clumsy that we draw back and fall into our old proven ways. We have no idea how to broach the question of "the proper uses of riches" in a putative democracy. PMA is doing that so gracefully that it seems natural, necessary, and to be welcomed with gratitude. She holds up the highest hope for those she serves, and what higher compliment can there be than that? May her efforts prosper! And may she have as many followers as there are fools and knaves in our profession. (I say that as a fool very much in her debt.) If she were taken up and imitated only by the wise and virtuous, that would not fill a room large enough to need a microphone. It takes great courage to do what she does. She stands alone.
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