I am probably not the only one who is always pissed off about work related issues. As a "lifer" in Wealth Bondage, in any number of demeaning roles, most recently, cabana boy, my hot button issue has always been wealth inequality. It goes back for me to Catholic Social Doctrine, and the MLK era. It is unconscionable, in my view, for “The most trusted advisor” to a dynastic family to remain a wealth-identified Courtier, without wealth himself or herself, but as identified with wealth as was Mammy in Gone with the Wind, unable or afraid to articulate with the client a vision of the commonweal. I take “Stillness at Kycuit” to be about the best contemporary take, by a practitioner, on this debilitating topic. The best of all takes, though, was King Lear. Which, as you may recall, does not end well, for Kings, heirs, or Courtiers. As that tragedy suggests, the only way out of systemic injustice and the madness of concentrated power is good governance. Audrey, the Once and Future Queen may be the only viable answer, as a practical matter. Once she inherits Trump Tower, all the Casinos, and The Bourse itself, there is no limit to how good things can get for those in her favor. I hope The Happy Tutor will remain in her good graces and that he will put in a word for me. May she who saved Rex, the Rescue Dog, save me. And you, too, if you behave as well as Rex and I do.