Reading this, I wonder about my colleagues, and fellow Wise Counselors, in Wealth Bondage, who dedicate their lives hardly less miserable than my own, to assuaging the harms, largely self-inflicted, suffered, in the midst of abundance, by colossally wealthy people. I wonder about advisors who write about Wealth and the Will of God to cultivate Private Bankers. And those who write about an island, a paradise, open only to the wealthy, from which those who do not get good advice (hint, hint) may be deported back to the middle class.
It not just that the wealthy elite are losing control of the Republican party; the country is losing the consent of the increasingly rancorous governed. It is sad that it takes a trash-talking billionaire, a casino operator, to rally the South, the faithful, the remnants of the middle class, the angry, endlessly manipulated patriots, and those who once had jobs, let alone unions.
Reading in my field, (Building Wealth Bondage to Last) as I do daily, holed up in Dumpster at the Corner of Wealth and Bondage, I feel as if I were alive under some decayed monarchy, reading courtiers, less well educated than they think they are, talking to fellow courtiers about service to the nobles, without any idea that the world is crashing in upon them.
Our roles as paid liars is to tell bigger and better lies, my friends, to not only preserve but to justify obscene wealth. As workaday intellectuals, paid by the hour, project or day, we need a big lie to the effect that through Flourishing Families worth billions, all citizens will flourish. Art is high class lying. Virgil, Horace, Dryden, all praised the King or Emperor as gods - not plausibly, but they got patronage and preferment! Why cannot we rise to that in praise of our dynastic clients, in the presence of the credulous rabble?
Is it too late for those Divine Trickle tales? You might at least consider how simpler it is to merely laugh off any reality check, offering high school sophomorics to trash all comers.
Btw, The referenced article link seems to be broken - op cit:
Posted by: tm | February 26, 2016 at 01:33 PM
Thanks, fixed the link. "Flyting contests," remember them from Beowulf? If only they still had to be conducted in verse.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | March 01, 2016 at 04:50 PM