I have many colleagues and friends in Wealth Bondage - this part is literally true - who one day say they are a Secular Priest to Dynastic Wealth, the next day say they are Moral Mentors or Role Models, and the next day say they are the family's Consigliere. I mean a Consigliere is a crook advising a mob family, a counselor who engages in extortion, murder, torture, and the systematic perversion of justice. Well, I guess all that is consistent. A lot of the Medici Popes were like that. Certain Archbishops. Maybe one or two Supreme Court Justices. I think, though, the fantasy element here is that a Consigliere, like Tom, in The Godfather was an attorney who got almost adopted into the family as a son. I can see how that might have some appeal. I notice myself the more I must lick the ground in the presence of wealth and power, the higher my fantasies fly. Once, I dreamt I married Queen Isabella of Spain, having served her loyally for many years as a dwarf. Another time, The Dumpster became The Santa Maria, and I woke up thinking Wall Street was Plymouth Rock. Once I woke up dreaming Tutor was John Smith and I was Pocahontas, and the Dumpster was our teepee, but that is another story. We all need fantasy or we would go crazy.
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