The subject of Audrey's allowance has come up. Wise Master Jack, the Most Trusted Advisor in all of Wealth Bondage, suggests a family gift of $5.3 million to optimize the unified credit and also $13,000 a year. With that amount, he suggests that as Audrey's Regent cum Trust Officer, he could leverage the money through "opportunity shifting." He would start in the Caymans a clone of Tess's most profitable business. At inception, sans customers, the value of the business is $5 mil. Audrey can be gifted it tax free. Then Tess will close the business she owned, and shift the customers to the new clone. At that point. Audrey's minority interest in the clone will go from being worth only $5 mil to, say, $5 b, all free of transfer tax! And in the Caymans, free of income tax. And in a Dynastic Trust free of all taxes in perpetuity, doubling in value, Master Jack suggests, every seven years. All of which augurs well for Audrey owning the world within her lifetime, if Tess does not accomplish it during hers. To make it even better, Master Jack points out that it could be twice as tax efficient if Tess marries, giving her a second unified credit and second annual gift tax deduction to work with. As to a spouse:" Who better than Master Jack?," he soulfully inquires dropping to one knee and offering a real diamond ring (which he got on a 10 day free look from Zales).
Tutor , by contrast, suggests an allowance of $25 a month, which is $5 more than his own monthly stipend, as Priest and Morals Tutor in Residence, he having taken a vow of poverty. He also, to give Tess a choice, proposes his hand in marriage, dropping to both knees and offering her a pop top from a can of Coke. This draws a big laugh, as befits the Court Fool, just doing his main job.
Tess splits the difference between her Suitor-Advisors. She cordially rejects both marriage proposals. And she awards Audrey $100 a month, with the proviso that Audrey assume full fiscal responsibility for Rex, her Rescue Dog.
Audrey receives the money not in cash, but in a grown-up debit card account, that she can now manage, with Tutor's help. The first $100 is paid in advance, making Audrey as rich as can be; wealth she is determined to use responsibly.