Audrey now has a dog from the pound, the sorriest mutt. She named him, Rex. The King of her Castle. With Momma's permission, Rex was Audrey's no cost XMass gift from Tutor. She picked him, as he sat at the dead end of the row of cages. Audrey chose him because he seemed so sad, as she sometimes is. It was only when she put her outstretched finger through the bars right under his nose that he risked even a tentative, hopeless, lick.
Now, when Wise Master Jack, The Most Trusted Advisor, and Corporate Trustee, courtesy of the Private Bank of Wealth Bondage, admonishes Audrey for her many flaws, Rex growls low in his throat and his stiff reddish brown fur stands up, not unlike Audrey's unruly red hair.
Tutor, with Audrey and Rex in her big toy box, tells them how Diogenes, too, lived in a big barrel with his mangy dog. Audrey listens, wearing her plastic Joan of Arc helmet. With Rex we are off the conquer, rule, and save the world. Momma says we can, as long as we do it without leaving the toy box, much less the Castle. Of course if horses can fly, a toy box can have wings.