Billionaire Family Office: "Through our 44 families with $1B+ we provide co-investment deal flow, c-suite execs, and advisory board solutions." What I did not see, that may represent a big opportunity for me, is Private Client Morals Tutorials to help Gen 1 pass on the values that made the family great to succeeding generations of trust fund babies so that the Great Family may remain Great for 100 or more years. Without such moral underpinnings, the family wealth may be squandered, or worse, might underwrite indolence, vice, political shenanigans, and opulence beyond the wildest dreams of avarice. This in turn might tend to de-legitimize Dynastic Wealth, and awaken the Serfs who find that the road to Serfdom has taken an unexpected turn. It is best that we be able to make a colorable case that not only those who made the money, but their heirs in perpetuity deserve it. A hard case to make, perhaps, but I am the man to do it! If any heirs need moral reform, either The Happy Tutor (Dungeon Master to the Stars in Wealth Bondage) or I (Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families) will take them soundly in hand. This is not a business for me, though it is, admittedly a sordid enough business for my mentor, The Happy Tutor, but a social cause. I do it for love of the work and for the benefits to humankind generally. When a wealthy heir who has lost her way amidst the many temptations to which the body and the spirit are also heir, confesses to me, does penance, thanks me, in tears of contrition, and vows to reform, that for me is the greatest possible career satisfaction, and the highest and best use of my talents as a Secular Priest. My poverty is not an indication, as some have suggested, that I am failed man, a loser, a dumpster dwelling outcast, but is a sign of great Virtue. I have not failed to make good, I am good! You know, like a Priest? That is why I live in rags.