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March 20, 2014


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Well I for one am relieved.

Phil Cubeta

We live in the best of all possible worlds. Our role is to keep it that way.

Phil Cubeta

A theory of change prevention - someone must have that because it is working so well.

Phil Cubeta

Of course insisting on a theory of change forestalls change and so serves the greatest good of those in charge.


Now you've got me thinking about Goldsmith and Sheridan, with the Dowager Empress replaced, perhaps, by Lady Sneerwell, and the Hispanic Maid by Mrs. Malaprop.

Phil Cubeta

Yes, we are on the right track. Celebrate Folly! That is a proven theory of change. Candide might be good precedent. From such seeds (Voltaire) came a revolution in thought, taste, and political arrangements.


I hear it wasn't funded by Ford because citizen-activists forgot to attach their Form 990. Also, the Enlightenment Program Officer had decided to focus on Enlightened Absolutism, as in, "There are good reasons why I should be in charge."


Be assured the world at bottom is reasonable.


Bottoms up to reason!

Phil Cubeta

Come,let us drink!, as Rabelais said. First Mardi Gras, then Lent. The world turned upside down over and over. That too, is a theory of change.

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