Unnerved by the video of Keith Whitaker on wealth and wisdom consulting, I asked my mentor, The Happy Tutor, Dungeon Master to the Stars in Wealth Bondage, if the morals tutorials he trained me to give to our best clients OTK are the real thing or just a sham? He began laughing violently. "Ask me again," he said. "You are seriously asking if we are a sham? Is the Pope Catholic, Phil? Keith is the real deal. The others on his site (Wise Counsel), all those doctorates are real. Do think you in any way resemble Keith or Drs A-Zed?" "But Tutor, I said, "doesn't our doing sham morals consulting in Wealth Bondage, tend to bring our noble trade into disrepute?" Again, came the terrible laughter. I am beginning to think I would have done better to study under real scholars like Dr. Paul Schervish at Boston College, or reputable moral and political philosophers like Leo Strass at University of Chicago. I have devoted my life to being sincere, authentic and a tireless teller of truth to power. I have given up a home, money, any hope of marriage or children, I sleep naked in the street like Diogenes, I have done years in and out of the Insane Asylum for Morals Tutors to Great Families, I have had 85% of my brain removed, one scoop at a time, to get with the program. Now, my own mentor says that it was all just a sham right from the start? I would better have been born a dog.
It's only a sham if they think it's a sham. You're a shaman if they think you're a shaman. Sit up! Heel!
Posted by: dqkelley | February 03, 2014 at 03:48 PM
"I am not a sham," said the sad face man, "I am a real clown."
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | February 05, 2014 at 03:16 PM