My social entrepreneurial, public private partnership, is pending approval with the NSA. I am going to offer universal and eternal back up of all chat logs, web trails, emails, and personal global positioning, to all Americans, and others too, at a modest charge. If you lose your Google doc, or an email, or forget where you were ten years ago today, my new high impact high peforming social enterprise, The New Future of Posterity, will sell it back to you, or to your heirs, based on always reliable NSA backups. The social benefits are huge. No lost data! The benefits to me are huge, too, which is encouraging to all concerned, since it means that Virtue, Merit, Leadership, and Entrepreneurialism in a Just Society are Amply Rewarded. I am or will be the Poster Child for that. Fortune will have me on the cover. Disruptive Social Innovator of the Year.
For a bit more than the cost of personal data backup, I will, in select situations, sell you each other's private or public info too, but that is on the QT and strictly on a need to know, and ability to pay, basis. I want to be sure not in any way to support or condone any illegal activity, such as front running on trades, based on private emails. Nor do I condone private, or political blackmail, unless approved through proper channels. NSA data, like Hoover's notorious files could be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes, and I want to steer well clear of that, to the extent possible. Deeming anyone a Terrorist is not something I would ever do lightly, even if I was busy, or late for an appointment. It is a grave matter to be handled with utmost solmnity, when my mind is clear and I have a minute, free of distractions, to give it my full attention. That is why you have my assurance that I will personally approve all questionable data usage, and all requests to access, aggregate, or process such data, much as the President personally approves drone strikes. As Leader and Sole Owner of the New Future of Posterity, I have a moral responsibility to do what is right. No one is perfect, and I freely admit I have made certain mistakes in the past for which I am deeply sorry; but with the fraud conviction behind me now, and my debt to society paid, and all remaining charges of loan sharking (which should have been called mirco-lending) dropped, I hope that I make the right call now as often as not for my own benefit and that of Society, including the unborn millions who will access your personal records at little or no cost. Admittedly, it is hard to balance your needs, those of society, and my own needs as well, but you can be sure I am doing the best I can, given my own well document mental problems, and pressing need for ready money. Per this recent and very sensible post at HBR, I am going to err on the side of making a buck off my social enterprise, since Scaling Up is going to take big money, and that is the only way I can Do the Most Good.
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