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January 22, 2013


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If, because you've been anointed a leader, you get an invitation to Bellagio, please bring back as many of those little soaps and shampoos as you can.

Jim Schaffer

As always, Thank You.

Phil Cubeta

"The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center's mission is to promote innovation and identify impact-oriented solutions to critical global problems. The Center, through conferences and residency programs, supports the work of scholars, artists, thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners who share in the Foundation’s pioneering mission to “promote the well-being of humanity.”

Scholars, artists, though leaders, policymakers, and practitioners - and yet who in that list is a Worldclass Fool? Who should I contact to find out? Is there any kind of Taxonomy we could consult, or a Global Index?


I believe there's a Bulletin of Corporate Codswallop. You'll find a listing of discerning thought leaders and a number you can call to make an appointment and present a summary of your findings.


I hoping for a grant.

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