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January 18, 2013


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"we agree to disagree and we agree to surround the public square not only with shops, farms, and factories, but also with sacred places whose towers reach to heaven not as skyscrapers but as fingers pointing to what is higher"

Or Harry Lime, not quite lifting the sewer grate...


Harry was the director of a medical charity which adjusted its methods to the market conditions under which it operated.



You mention three independent studies done in 2010 and 2011 which found changes in the tax rules would have minimal effects on giving- what studies were these? I am interested in reading up on them if possible.

Thanks very much

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The essential objective recognized by corporate law and theory is the maximization of shareholder value.

phil cubeta

I am quoting someone else; she did not provide references. The studies I have seen are mixed. As one who works with tax and legal advisors, I would say that their consensus is that tax breaks are important to their clients.

phil cubeta

That has been the value and has led to so many messes that people are increasingly thinking of creating shared value, for the business, the commumnity, and for in fact the entire ecosystem in which the business and its people live. Not easy to figure out how to manage to such diverse objectives. That nets us the Leader. A figure who is able to weigh these ponderable and imponderables.

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