Guest post by Dr. Alberta Axiom, author of Wealth Bondage as a Public Good: How Inductive Logic can Save the World
As an expert in Philanthropy who follows emerging trends in giving, I was dismayed to learn from a recent study by Razoo that giving is among the three things that makes people feel best, lagging only love and hugging children (gross!). What this proves is that most donors are morons. The correct way to give is strategic. Times are hard, people, and with budget cuts coming due to austerity, and negative market externalities abounding, our world is suffering. We need to have your precious giving dollars going not to any cause, or a feel good cause, but to the charity or other social ventures that produce the most good for the lowest cost. For this we need Big Data, and Trusted Intermediaries, and Incentives. We need Backbone Organizations, staffed by experts to manage nonprofits to create Synergies across Siloes. No, this will not be fun. You are not going to bask in a warm glow. You will be working your ass off on a Global Giving Taxonomy (code name: Procrustes). Giving is serious work for serious people. It is best conducted with professional help. The quicker we can stamp out sentimentality and feel good causes, the sooner we stop giving for children and animals, for the love of God, the quicker the world will be a better place. I would recommend that you not give one dime, without first consulting Give Well's list of where a results oriented, evidence based donor should give to achieve Maximum Total Measurable Impact. We have to grow Instrumental Reason to Scale. That is the great project of the Enlightenment, yet every where we find people giving without any thought whatsoever to children and animals! Some even give to Religion, not the most effective and efficient faith, but to their own house of worship. For education, an admittedly productive cause, and a proper use of resources, if appropriately allocated, donors too often give not to the best school (Harvard, where I teach), but to the crappy school were they went to College. We have work to do, People! Your ignorance and low IQ are no excuse. You tell us the Issue Area. We will tell you where a Reasonable Person with Adequate Data would give. Then you just have to Give as Directed. We will report back with Results. The world will be better and we will tell you how much better. Then you can give again, accordingly. If this works as well as we project, Private Giving guided by Data can supplant many government programs. This should lead to further Tax Cuts for Job Creators, further turbo-charging Capitalism 1.5 and the Philanthropy 2.0 that saves it. You, the little people must play your part. Your nickles and dimes all add up if they are guided by Rational Decisions based on Data processed by a Trusted Intermediaries, staffed by experts, and adminstered by professionals with degrees in management science. You want to feel good? Hug a child. Get a pet. Giving is rational. Any questions, stupid?