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July 18, 2012


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Phil Cubeta

From the commanding heights of Wealth Bondage (the utilitarian worldview held in common by business, governments of all nations, and many large NGOs), the grassroots nonprofit sector sprawls as an unruly, ill managed, voluntaristic hotbed of people getting things done without being managed from above by docile experts, reporting to Managers, reporting to Executives, accountable to Flows of Funds and those who control them. The nonprofit sector produces citizens (a term popular as feudalism in Europe and America was upenended in revolution), actively engaged in their community. Whereas what we need more of is less personal and political liberty, fraternity, and equality, and more freedom for employers and Masters of Business Administration, their Executive Managers, and Social Investors, to tell us what, when, how often, as well as how.

Everyone wants to get results. Everyone wants freedom. I would settle for a good job and a good boss, wouldn't you? Then maybe some day I can be the boss and others will have to kiss my boots. That is justice enough for me. I guess I can't blame my boss for being sadistic, when I would just love to revenge myself some day too. "I want results!" God, I would love to bellow that down the hall someday myself, as I stride through with my clipboard and stopwatch.

Jon Husband


Isn't the real question "Are we having fun yet" ?

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