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July 18, 2012


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Liz At Must Have Gifts Corporate Philanthropy

I hope you are not my boss when you finally ascend to those giddy heights of power. Although, if you maintain your belief in philanthropy, perhaps you won't be so bad after all...


When I am your boss you will regret having written that comment.

Christine Egger

You will look out your window to see me standing in a field of commons, pointing out the way the field comes right up to and around and beneath the building you're in, defining its inside and outside, holding it aloft and apart.

I'll be weaving a hammock that will stretch from your windowsill to any one of the clouds drifting over the field.

And I'll wave, and you'll scowl, and I'll keep weaving...

Phil Cubeta

That sounds lovely, as long as I can own it all. The more work you do maintaining the commons, the more I can reap from it. We call this Cognitive Surplus. No one is making you! Presumably you get some kind of psychic income from it. Beats me.

Christine Egger

No no, you misunderstood. I'm not working or maintaining. I'm standing and pointing and weaving and waving.

Phil Cubeta

Are you an heiress? I can't imagine how else you would pay your bills.


Selling those hammocks, I suppose.

Phil Cubeta

If no one owns something can it be said to exist? Public Goods, God, Virtue, are these not words for outworn superstitions?

Christine Egger

I am not an heiress and I am not selling the hammocks.

I am considering taking steps that would require the government to take care of the field, using taxes to do so, but they broke their promise on a neighboring field (too tempting to parcel it off for a golf course and condo development) so to be honest with you my hopes are not that high.

Phil Cubeta

The government will create and regulate a commons? I was under the impression, that due to austerity, the commons were slated to be sold to campaign contributors at bargain prices, like internet spectrum and drilling rights.

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