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July 27, 2012


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It's clearly time to stimulate customer awareness and demand.

Phil Cubeta

"I bought a sewing machine with borrowed money and have hired illegals to sew shrouds for the impact investors as our way of thanking them for their concern with our well being," said Tutor.


Why do impact investors need shrouds - they are nothing if not highly efficient self-esteem generators. (Follow the hoses: it's an ingeniously closed system.)

K.Y. Eventry

Engines. ENGINES... for fuck's sake ENGINES!!

Phil Cubeta

I was thinking of making it into a Marx's brothers routine. The poor sewing the shrounds of their bosses with Harpo playing in the background, and Groucho selling shares in the enterprise. We all need shrouds at some point. Why not buy in advance and stimulate the BoP economy? In a time of panic, or crises, the price may rise and the supply diminish. Buying early could be a good investment.


Poor people generally use less energy, so it might be possible to establish a market for the carbon credits they generate. We can then increase the value of those credits by forcing them to eat less.

Phil Cubeta

But if they eat gassy foods, the whole plan fails. And nourishing food costs more. Your plan needs work, Curator.

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