The Post Proper by Phil Cubeta or his Duly Authorized Designee
For all the harms done to children, to so many species of innocent animals, to our legal system, to our polity, why is our outrage over the abuse of power for sexual pleasure so much greater than our outrage over the abuse of power for political ends, or financial ends? So many failed to take action on Sandusky. So many have failed to take action as our imperial Presidents have rained down death from the skies on orders without appeal or due process, and as our courts have reduced our liberties at behest of usura. In Plato's Cave, as he predicted, the citizens follow the evolving stories, as in the control room, the slaves carry the message dictated by the Guardians, to produce the play of shadows. Plato exiled the poets from The Republic, preferring the rule of reason, the rule of metrics and results, according to a businesslike plan. Yet, The Cave is a parable, and the Guardians subordinate art to reason at their own risk. When the poets return, led by Dionysus, we shall have Carnival, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, as Jerry Sandusky reads the liturgy, the Pope, speaking Ex Cathedra, declares himself ignorant of any wrong doing, and the President dresses as a Temple Prostitute, serving his/her clients for Superpac money.
Note by Dr. Amrit Chadwallah, Assistant Professor in charge of Hidden Meaning in Wealth Bondage, The School of Premodern to Postmodern Cultural Studies.
In eliciting from this post its greatest riches, which lie well below the surface (deeps to which only a true scholar can go) it is perhaps worth noting that Phil was given a copy of The Bacchae by the admirering daughter of a South American Dictator last Christmas in return, it seems for Phil having gotten her into Princeton with the help of his connections at the CIA, in return for the Dictator's brutal suppression of civil liberties on behalf of economic Freedom and Reform. The spine of the book, a trade paperback, indicates that the book has not been opened. It is possible, however, that Phil may have been influenced in this post by the back cover, and/or the front cover, showing private actions in a public place, which he somehow associates with philanthropy.
Note on the Note by The Author Function
It should go without saying that both "Phil Cubeta," the unreliable and mystified narrator of the so-called Post Proper, and my esteemed colleague, Dr. Chadwallah, are characters in a play without footlights, as Bakhtin called it, speaking of life in Russia under Stalin, under guise of speaking about Rabelais and his tradition. Neither Phil nor Chadwallah speaks for me. (How can any character speak for an Omnisicient Author?) For purposes of authenticity, sincerity, and building a permanent file tied to a credit card and passport, Phil is the designated "owner" of all assets and liabilities related to this post. As Chadwallah points out, Dionysus, the god of Theater (particularly tragedy) was also the god of Satire and the goat plays, rooted in the rituals of blood sacrifice. To cure the body politic, how? The Bachhae suggests the King, Pentheus, standing for businesslike, managerial reason, and Executive Leadership, must be cross-dressed as a girl, and torn apart, his head presented by his mother to his father. The Oedipus cycle suggests that blinding the King and having him live out his days as a beggar may be sufficient for the crimes he has unknowinlgy committed, thereby curing the city of plague, which is a metaphor for injustice, fear and intimidation, as Camus noted, and built on in his novel by that name, about the German Occupation and the collaboration, active or passive, of the French people. Satire, however, suggests that "laughter may be the best cure," for what ails us. Laughter can be laughter at another, driving the miscreant out of the circle like a scapegoat, but laughter can also be inclusive, reforming and reintegrating the miscreant into the human circle. Of course, if the King does not laugh, the all licensed Dionysian Fool may become the sacrificial animal. Noting all this, I have established Phil as the speaker, owner, and potential fall guy. In Greece at one time they called these sacrificial figures Pharmakoi, and kept them in luxury at the public expense, pending their sacrifice by burning at the crossroads, sacred to Dionysus, where even until recently Robert Johnson learned the blues fom the Devil, a Christianized version of Dionysus, the goat footed one. In a time of austerity, due to budget imbalances, and the leveraged buyout of the commwealth or commonwealth, we have dispensed with the luxury. Phil is kept on short rations for the highest possible cost/benefit ratio to our investors. Yet, many want the job which comes open regularly. Such is the wisdom, the power, and the glory of The Market. Phil's request for a last meal to include rib eye steaks, a baked potato, aparagus,apple pie and ice cream has been denied as tending to make a mockery of his immolation. He will be fed marshmallows and weiners.
To speak as Phil did above about some "duly authorized designee" is a transparent charade. Phil will not so easily deflect responsibility for his actions. I will deal with the others later. (The Voice of Unseen Authority.)