In the wake of munipal cutbacks, ordinary citizens work for free providing essential public services. I have long felt, reading Bill Schambra at Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal, that government has been crowding out these unpaid do-gooders. Those who held the job of librarian for $35,000 a year were blocking those who would do it for zero. By reducing taxes on the rich we not only create many new jobs, in China, and great wealth for entrepreneurs, and those who regulate them, but we also create new opportunities for the middle class to exhibit the moral heroism we once associated with the deserving poor. As a moralist, I applaud the rich for creating these opportunities for us to show our public spiritedness in the face of adversity.
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Is this article sarcasm? You honestly enjoy the fact that our jobs are being sent over seas to China and people are working for free to fill postions that our infastructure can no longer support financially?
I agree that it does take moral fortitude and pride to work for free in a position that serves ones community, but if you were a true "moralist" as you say, you wouldn't applaud the fact our country is losing industry to China. Seems like you are all for the destruction of the middle class, so we are left with the wealthy and peasants.
Posted by: Truth Intel | April 26, 2012 at 05:13 AM
Now that austerity measures have lead to the 'sacking' of Mr. Shamrock's dedicated scrotum-cradler, I would like to place myself in that position pro bono.
I may not have the delicate touch needed to make the transition seamless, but I, in my cradle, benefited from some hard rocking. Why not Mr. Sham?
Posted by: From a place whereat rocking hard is not unknown... | April 26, 2012 at 02:09 PM
Yes, I was playing you the reader for stupid to help younsee how commonly and how easily this is done. I am a moralist only when out on bail.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | April 26, 2012 at 03:55 PM
My apologies then. Seems I need to turn my sarcasm meter up a tad, but with the way the world is going, I believe there are actually people that feel this way and would express it openly.
Posted by: Truth Intel | April 26, 2012 at 05:02 PM
Austerity will help you develop the character needed to qualify as one of the derserving poor.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | April 26, 2012 at 05:46 PM
It was meant as satire. As a Fool I impersonate Fools, praising Folly. As to whether there are real fools running about and whether I qualify as one, I leave to your good judgement.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | April 26, 2012 at 06:13 PM
1,000 points of light = a protestant orgy of self-congratulatory exclusion.
Posted by: penilestater | May 04, 2012 at 07:19 PM