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April 17, 2012


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Retirement Villages

I work in the aged care industry and i have really noticed that retired people are struggling after retirement.

I am all for wealth equality!!!

tom m

A few questions the New York Times failed to ask:



This is a concern of many people including myself. I have 2 small kids and when they grow up, I really don't know what they'll be walking into. I want them to own their own businesses instead of working for the man, but who knows if there will be enough $ in that arena to make ends meet (as IF it does now, right)

Phil Cubeta

I am told that the best wine auctions are now held in China. They are driving up prices for the best vintages. Bum wines here, though, remain affordable, which is a mercy. I just wish they did not turn my tongue black. Or maybe that comes from licking my generous boss and patron's boots.

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