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March 22, 2012


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One has to reflect on what sorts of gods life has revealed.

Phil Cubeta

The message and the messenger. The closest I ever came to the other-wordly was in Wealth Bondage, when Dionysus spoke to me quite clearly. He called for a carnevelequse, mock heroic, dialogic inversion of the social order. Then, again, so did Jesus. But that is not the message of this messenger, though he came up from humble beginnings. Still, he was among the best human being and manager I have met in the financial services world. A math major, I believe at Amherst. A few more courses in say modern literature, with an emphasis on Joyce and Beckett might have done wonders for the emerging religious sensibility, and a little more irony might have improved the prose, and a little more hermeneutics might have confounded the whole enterprise. But a Gospel of Wealth, the Spiritual Autobiography of Successful Person, has to be read with interpretive charity. When I come to pen mine it may be called, "Contemptus Mundi: My Journey from Failure to Failure on Fortunes Wheel."

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