Dear sweet Albert Ruesga has written a deeply touching post on social justice, Steve Jobs, and the moral imagination. LOL! little Albert cracks me up. He is so serious with his glasses and short pants. Every time I see his earnest face I can't stop laughing. Yes, Albert, I can totally imagine what it must be like to be a poor 13 year old girl worked to death in a factory in China. The more I imagine it the better I feel about myself. Show me a picture. Let me hear her scream. Show me a close up of her death agony. We speak too little about the pleasures of injustice. The world would be so much poorer without them. First I worked to make a living, then to make a life, then to make my first billion, then to buy a think tank, then a newspaper chain, then an election, then the Supreme Court, then to rule the world, now I just work to grind others down for my own pleasure and that of my Wealth Bondage Premiere Club Members. Does that make me a bad person? Tough, Albert, I know it so hard for you to accept, Sweetie, but nice guys do finish last. The strong prevail and the weak perish. That is the Law of Nature. You can't fight nature, Honey. Such were my Generous Patron's words of wisdom when I drew her attention to the offending post. I have been instructed to cancel the check slated for Greater New Orleans Foundation, and withdraw our nomination of Albert as The Wealth Bondage Social Justice Employee of the Month. Instead the honor will go, collectively, to the Ford Foundation Working Group on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace. Peace, Candidia cackled, Gawd, that cracks me up too, but I do get it, my good and loyal subjects in the Working Group, I do get it and I appreciate the sentiment. I expect no trouble from you going forward. Not that I have ever had any. But I deeply appreciate your continued study of the issues and the white papers are really good too, from what I hear from Phil, who monitors such things for me here at Gifthub. He tells me that you and Rockefeller Foundation are still looking for the root causes of economic injustice. Still coming up empty - keep up the good work! What is a moral imagination for but to keep your own ass out of a sling? You don't want what I have in store for Albert to happen to you, do you? Henry Ford, your generous patron, today, he would making cars in China. Do you think he would give a shit about that girl worked to death on her feet? Why should you, spending his money? The first rule of success, is know which end is up. Your continued obedience will continue to draw my favorable attention, whereas for Albert there will be nothing but unending pain, prolonged that I might savor it.