Professor Bower at Harvard Business School:
The market system cannot work if its consequences are seen to be unfair, because its benefits are not distributed widely. That is what our business leaders said—and that seems to be what the protesters are saying as well. Rather than dismiss them for not being able to understand or provide solutions for the problems they identify, we might do better to worry about what the consequences might be if the real concerns they identify become the basis for populist political legislation. Defenders of capitalism need to get busy solving the problems the Wall Street occupiers have spotlighted.
It never ceases to appall me how the educated business mind confronts issues of justice. "Unless we placate the masses there might be more legislation." I mean what does fairness demand, Professor? And should corporate compliance be voluntary? Corporate free riders, Dr, who will make them do their fair share, if they prefer not to?
The fuckwit should probably be forced to attend Sandel's undergraduate course.
Posted by: Isiah Grumble | February 22, 2012 at 09:59 PM
Interesting, thank you for linking to it.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | February 23, 2012 at 06:10 PM
Yeah, I picked up Sandel's general-reader "Justice" book a couple months ago looking for a quick way to learn about and dispose of Rawls because I keep running into people who talk Rawls up. Just discovered this interesting online course.
Posted by: Isiah Grumble | February 23, 2012 at 07:24 PM
Why dispose of Rawls?
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | February 24, 2012 at 07:32 PM