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February 18, 2012


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An interesting idea that currently it's balls out, with few hidden meanings to interpret. This is more likely a testament to Dr. Chadwallah's skills. For someone in his position, and after the better part of a lifetime, the sophistries, the sleights of hand, the feints right or left become as familiar as an old shoe.

Phil Cubeta

"A case can be made." We just need to adequately staff the case making position.


Be sure to attach a budget.

Phil Cubeta

And projected results, and metrics, and a time line.


With due appreciation of your generous estimate of me, dear Tutor, I have always been impressed by the sincerity with which Sister Lucy renounced material anxieties — whereas I, poor sinner, have not escaped the cares which beset straitened circumstances.
Living so close, now, to Paris, I look forward someday to making a pilgrimage to the Lycée Normale Supérieure — though for now that must be indefinitely deferred.

Phil Cubeta

May it be deferred but not differed. When you reach the recognition that money trumps God, I can refer you to any number of Wealth Planning Private Client groups who could use your services. Fr Brennan is backed up for months doing confessions, or as we call them rites of reconciliation with our staff and clients. We are doing born again baptismal dunkings in the courtyards of white collar prisons. Saved, saved, saved. We can't keep up with demand. You may get defrocked, AMKA, but what are transcendent symbols after all but emtpy spaces between other empty signs pointing to an empty Heaven? Better that than an empty pocket.

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