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February 07, 2012


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Yeah, my cousin works at a hedge fund.

She and my brother (who also makes a lot of money) just invited all of us down to a big party, thousands of miles away, despite the fact that everyone is poor. They don't seem to have any idea of what poor people go through in this country. And that extends to their own family. It makes me sad how rich people are divided by their lack of empathy.

She just invited everyone to her lavish wedding at this fancy place. And I'm not going.

Phil Cubeta

The poor envy the rich, as Mitt Romney noted. Why not get rich yourself? It is a Free country.


Yes, they keep reminding me I should have just become a dentist and then my life would be so easy.

Except I got a D in Bio and F in Chem. Can't really make a doctor out of me. And in these professions, a woman can only go so far, as http://expeditingtheinevitable.com and Dr Brodsky shows us. @LindaBrodskyMD in case you'd like to see more.

It certainly is Free if you are a Koch brother or a 1%. Freedom for the rich.

Oh, saw this on the Daily Show: The haves and the have-nots? How about the haves and the have-soons? That's really what the conservative millionaires say as they run for office.

Indeed, we shall all soon have much less than we have now.

Forced austerity for all and even more wealth for the 1%.

Phil Cubeta

Austerity is needed to pay for the tax breaks on capital gains and to preserve the favorable tax treatment of income earned by hedge fund managers. Keep your attitude positive and you will do well, if not, blame only yourself.

Phil Cubeta

Had you gotten better grades and kept on the success track you would be riding high and your relatives would be grousing. On a positive note, charity starts at home. Your relatives might let you sleep in their garage.

Phil Cubeta

By the way, if you can get me a face to face interview with your rich relatives, so I can pitch my morals consulting business, there is $5 in it for you, as a professional courtesy, and $10 more if they engage me for a morals makeover.


I plan on getting rich later today by selling all my mistaken notions on eBay. A colleague suggested I sell them in lots.

Phil Cubeta

Curator, if you agree not to blog again about social justice, I know a funder who will pay you $100,00 a year.


Hey count me in! A hundred bucks buys a lot of rice! Delicious, filling rice.

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