From Yes Magazine, Ten Ways The Occupy Wall Street Movement Changes Everything. In particular it changes the villain in the piece from big government to Wall Street which has corrupted our government. The media, too, are a creature of bidnis. When the media find OWS incomprehensible it is no wonder. They see themselves as objective narrators, above the fray. OWS sees them, rightly, as mystified hirelings. As my mentor in prostitution, The Happy Tutor, once said, Outside the television station the mob waits to skin the moderator alive. Of course the moderators say, "But wait, what are you demands? I don't understand?" Suffering is going to exponentially increase. Who decides who suffers how much? That equation may not be entirely in the hands of our corporations, the police, the CIA, the NSA, Supreme Court, black ops professionals, and the blissfully uncomprehending casters of news. When we sink into dysfunctional austerity for some, and untold riches for others, the pain will be felt by all, so I am told by Tutor, a sadist, turned teacher. Satire, he says, the Roman way, is still the best cure for the abuse of power: laceration, flaying, and brine to pickle the skinless flesh of the revamped, morally regenerate victim, or, pardon me, student. Hard times call for a pariah, for scapegoats, for burning in effigy, and for the chorus of gleeful chants as the body burns crackling at the crossroads in expiation. Tutor is highly educated, if only from books tossed in his Dumpster by high school students on their way to the Mall of America. He tells me this is all Classical Learning. I am not sure of that, but he would know better than I. Bloodyminded, if you ask me, even if there are classical antecedents.
Abuse of power for abuse of power, as the good book (Martial) says, I can hear him now in the next room flaying a kidnapped moderator alive. To call this moral instruction is, in my opinion, an outrage. Special renditions, Tutor is yelling, Special renditions? I will render unto you...." Is this a bordello? A madhouse called Wealth Bondage? Or America the Beautiful? As for me, I await further instructions from my boss, the booted one, she who rules us all. Everything happens for a reason. She will tell me what it is, in her interview on the Nightly News.
Arise, asshole, and go to jail.
Posted by: penilestater | November 21, 2011 at 08:54 PM