This scene from Jean Genet's, The Balcony, provided courtesy of The Wealth Bondage Private Client Services Group: Big Meaning for Big Money. We are Trusted Advisors and Serving Professionals assisting Persons of Substance in Every Sense of that Word. Revolution or Counter-Revolution? Or business as usual? We enact philanthropic strategies to accomplish your highest aspirations, or lowest. You tell us, Judge; or, are you the Virgin Mary tonight? Your payment is appreciated before professional services are rendered. Your complete satisfaction or your money will be cheerfully refunded. (Refunds are net of normal recostuming fees.) Tell me your story! Your Moral Biography is my meaning for living. Your legacy is my life. What is the world we want? You be Bo-Peep and I'll be your sheep. Who am I? Whatever you want, Boss. Philanthropy means love. So, Your Honor, let's make a deal.