Wealth Bondage Social Media Group has won the contract calling for monitoring populist disinformation and counter-acting it with truth provided by hirelings. Gifthub will now be run within a secure Pentagon gaming environment to simulate what will happen in the unlikely event that ordinary Americans ever wake up. If you are reading this post be aware that your comments are being run through the DARPA mainframe to detect any emerging trends that might tend to subvert our precious Freedom.Some senior officers have spoken privately of the need to better track unrest revealed in social networks and to look for ways to shape outcomes in the Arab world through Twitter, Facebook or YouTube. The Telegraph.
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Implementing (one of the dark sides of) wirearchy, one algorithm and one link at a time.
Posted by: Jon Husband | July 23, 2011 at 11:31 PM
With a small budget and 10,000 "gamers" Darpa could drive any meme it wants. Patriots! come to the call of your country!
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 24, 2011 at 01:33 PM
Well, the Pentagon is at least correct in identifying "social media" as a space of contention. In that sense, their view is free of a common ideological frame which emphasizes collaboration, friending and a meritocratic hierarchy over everything else.
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 25, 2011 at 07:46 PM
So after arresting Quakers and other peace activists, they're going to do what? Beat senseless kids wearing Che t-shirts?
Posted by: Jay Taber | July 25, 2011 at 08:38 PM
Net War via friending is fiendish indeed.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 26, 2011 at 03:33 PM
Network theory: keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer; keep your frenemies closest.
Posted by: Blowhard de Chardin | July 26, 2011 at 10:24 PM
Google seems to have an angle on this with a social network in which you can wall off your most personal friends from say your boss or random viewers. Of course all elements of it would be subject to anti-terror surveillance and probably to marketers.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 27, 2011 at 10:05 AM
course all elements of it would be subject to anti-terror surveillance and probably to marketers.
Yah think .. "probably" ?
Hahahaha ... ha !
Posted by: Jon Husband | July 27, 2011 at 01:34 PM
You think that's nefarious, but how about this: unless I create a specific rule in my firewall to allow outgoing connections from my web browser to Asian Philanthropy Forum, Gifthub.org will not load.
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 27, 2011 at 08:42 PM
Say that? What is your interpretation of that, please? How did this come up? What alerted you?
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 28, 2011 at 01:02 PM
I noticed that when I visited gifthub.org that the browser status bar in the lower left often said "waiting for asianphilanthropyforum.org" - just like it'll say waiting for "static.typepad.com" or "google-analytics.com" or whatever. I thought that was weird so I created a firewall rule that disallowed connections to APF. The firewall I was using has a rather broad net, and since APF is hosted by typepad too, the firewall rule blocked all access to any typepad site, including gifthub.
I guess the question would be why connections are (were) made to APF when loading gifthub.org if the only apparent connection between the two sites is that APF is in your blogroll.
It was probably some innocuous bug. I don't see it happening currently, but in theory it would have allowed the APF owner to log connections to gifthub, if they cared enough.
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 28, 2011 at 06:02 PM
Heh. It's some strange interaction btwn typepad and the local DNS cache. Apparently the DNS Cache (or perhaps the firewall app) will map a random domain name from the blogroll, instead of the domain name of the typepad site you've actually visited.
It doesn't just happen with gifthub, it happens with other typepad sites too.
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 28, 2011 at 06:57 PM
Firefox "pre-fetches" web page links (e.g., blogrolls) without telling you. You have to browse to about:config in order to turn this feature off.
If the link that Firefox pre-fetches is a typepad site, your local DNS Cache may map the typepad IP address of the site you are actually/really visiting to the last typepad domain that was pre-fetched from a link in the blogroll(?).
That will fool a particular firewall app which reads the DNS cache into believing that web site A is web site B.
Or something like that. Nothing to worry about.
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 28, 2011 at 07:19 PM
Thank you, Tank. I won't worry then.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 29, 2011 at 08:53 AM
As the Man said, "Liberty is the Price of Eternal Vigilance."
Posted by: Tank R. Graffinton | July 29, 2011 at 04:22 PM
You are Free if you think you are.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 30, 2011 at 09:55 AM
Freedom is freedom from noncontractual constraint. Liberty is a statue. The Constitution is a piece of paper, or parchment.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | July 30, 2011 at 09:56 AM
In that sense, their view is free of a common ideological frame which emphasizes collaboration, friending and a meritocratic hierarchy over everything else.
Posted by: NFL Reebok Saints Jerseys | August 14, 2011 at 10:44 PM
I dont about free of it. They prefer to own the platform on which collaboration and friending is done.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | August 15, 2011 at 10:21 PM
good !!!!!!
Posted by: http://www.myjerseyszone.com/ | September 02, 2011 at 11:34 PM