Recent MBA seeks position creating shared value. Prefer working for Visionary Leader who will allocate shared value to me first, at no less than $250,000 per annum plus bonus, then to people and planet, profit permitting. Prefer equity interest and many minions. Country club and company jet negotiable. Prefer organization that is too big to fail, since I tend to screw up. - Smoky Joe, Jr.
You know and I know this is pure crap, but I got $4.35 in cash to ghostwrite it and I need the money for a bottle of bum wine. I wish the kid well. He could be President one day. The Decider. Our Leader. Dumb as a post, but full of enthusiasm. "You can't manage what you can't measure," he told me, as if vouchsafing a profound truth known only to adepts. So we agreed on five cents a word, plus a bonus up to $4.35 if the note got results. It did; he is now interning under Justice Thomas on the Supreme Court, to optimize the scale and sale of Justice under the Citizens United for Payola Act. So, I got the full payment. There is justice in this world!