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July 28, 2011


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Keith Whitaker

Just imagine the size of the dumpster of the character who gets an 8% annual unitrust payment from a pile 15 times larger than Harvard's endowment!

Phil Cubeta

I was going to say, this is strange? Misinformation?

Randy Fox

Actually, i tracked the first two trusts, Metzger CRT and Culver CRT back to the IRS data. Metzger has about $726,000 and change and Culver has about $316,000 and change. The numbers you printed are some index control numbers not asset values. Sure that this is true for the rest of them

Randy Fox

Phil Cubeta

Thanks, Randy, my sanity is restored.

Randy Fox

Never sure of that Phil

Phil Cubeta

I spoke too soon, Randy. The doctor says, though, that with enough Thorazine I can come to work again.

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