Albert Ruesga on Carl Schramm's view of the private foundation as the Handmaiden, to put it nicely, of Capitalism. I serve as the Handmaiden's Handmaiden and am proud of it. Servant leadership is the leadership of serving professionals. It is all in the wrist, like flyfishing.
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One reason Paul caught more fish than anyone else was that he had his flies in the water more than anyone else. "Brother," he would say, "there are no flying fish in Montana. Out here, you can't catch fish with your flies in the air." -Norman McLean
Posted by: ariverrunsoverunderaroundandthroughitimaginethat | June 25, 2011 at 02:15 PM
Perhaps it's because I'm a lefty, but I like to imagine philanthropy as a sinister handmaiden. I'm just not sure to whom. In all seriousness (sic!), if you or Albert define philanthropy as against capitalism, then you still define it by capitalism. Perhaps this is what you mean when you say that there is no outside Wealth Bondage?
Keith Whitaker,
Posted by: Keith Whitaker | June 26, 2011 at 09:59 AM