Extradordinary post by Kia on the domination system as limned in the movie, Pan's Labyrinth. What has this to do with Strategic Philanthropy by Hyperagents? Nothing that our business schools are equipped to teach. Do More than Give is on my desk. "Commit to a cause." That is the depth of self reflection that sets this whole giving process in motion. Something is missing in these effective and efficient humans. We have drawn to the top and rewarded the hollow men, the stuffed men because they get results within a system they do not question. Their strategic philanthropy is as prosaic and controlling as whatever else they do to wreck their will for our own good, of course, for the good of all. Best to never have read literature or moral and political theory. It would only confuse these world changing Deciders. Giving, like war, diplomacy, business, and political influence is all about Results. The bottom lines, three or however many, are managed from the top. All praise to our wise and benevolent leader! The leader is accountable to no one. He must hold himself accountable for excellence since no one else can. That is the level of intelligence and self reflection in these new business-inspired books on philanthropy, including, Give Smart: Philanthropy That Gets Results. Meanwhile, "poetry makes nothing happen."