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June 29, 2011


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Tom Matrullo

Along with a school for servants, perhaps a Foundation for the Confounding of the Unserviceable Notion of the Foundaton?

Inspired in part by thoughts in a post by Shannon Mattern on the idc list:

Libraries are institutional embodiments of the prevailing – and at times competing – knowledge systems of their times and places. . ..

What if, instead, we were to privilege the integration of thinking and making, bricolage, embodied and social knowledge, etc.: what kind of an institution would represent that epistemology? Probably a library that incorporates public gathering spaces (which most public libraries do) and flexible spaces that accommodate access to and production of media in multiple formats.

Others have proposed that the library could and should be an institution that draws attention to the *politics* of knowledge, that encourages patrons to question the interests of those creating and distributing information – and those providing the infrastructure for its creation and distribution.

Phil Cubeta

If you or Shannon have $10 million you could start a modest foundation, providing 5% of that per year in grants to libraries. You could grant $50,000 a year to 10 libraries. That would be a small start on this important work. Now as to the $10 million? Perhaps Shannon is a hedge fund manager? At least we have the example of Carnegie himself whose steel fortune founded so many local libraries.

Tom Matrullo

I don't personally know Shannon, but I can ask her about the $10 mill. I've got $10 to seed. I'm thinking a ConFoundation would benefit from, you know, the hard work of, uh, Cons. Do you think we could tap Madoff, or his wife? Or maybe Bulger or Rick Scott?

Phil Cubeta

Conrad Black might have an interest in a media foundation. Perhaps a Foundation could be negotiated in lieu of bail.

Phil Cubeta

Some in prison make license plates; maybe Conrad Black could make grants.

Chewed Gum Of The Gods

Repackaging the Chewed Gum Of The Gods as something novel and flavorless to suck on - to this I would devote considerable energy for naught but symbolic return.

Spit some my way as you pass, Chief, I will do you proud.

Tom Matrullo

Certain places - England, e.g. - they name their homes, indulge their animals and get daft in the gardens. Here in USia, we are too boring to name our homes, we're enslaved to our pets and can get quite serious about our gardens. Our insanities pass into the superrich and their hobby-horses, where they are protected from common sense by lawyers, the Wall St. Journal, and Forbes.

Phil Cubeta

Hobbyhorses - J. Swift had good rides on those. Veblen also comes to mind. And Petronius.

Phil Cubeta

I thought we were the chewing gum of the gods.

Tom Matrullo

And of course Mr. Sterne.

Phil Cubeta

You are precisely correct, Prof. Matrullo. Thank you for the cordial scholarly intervention. That strategic philanthropy might be Shandyesque is inconceivable. Hum.

Al Veoli

The best you can expect is to escape from God's mouth as the debris of a popped bubble floating to the earth in pieces. Once grounded you may collect yourself, as like attracts like, and peddle your gooey "integrity" like a trouper.

Phil Cubeta

Spat from God's mouth, Al, were the lukewarm, those neither for nor against. That is Biblical.

Morrie Sinko

Who better to create His Hell on Earth?

Phil Cubeta

Walter Wink's work might change your mind.

Hell on Earth is Roman Rule.

Heaven is the Kingdom within.

Eternal Life is a moment, one heartbeat, the kairos where time and eternity meet, always available.

The Resurrection is a spiritual revolution, leading to a change in the social order.

The Holy Roman Empire was not holy, Roman, or an Empire.

The Reformation is within, each of us reforming ourselves. That is in our power.

Morrie Sinko

Are you quoting from memory again? You are like a phalanx of Greek police pounding my sorry lukewarm ass to the pavement. If I were divine, something orderly, oppressive and anti-feminine could be formed from my remains. As it stands, I'll probably just clog the sewer system. Oy.

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