Taste - every one has his or her own; some have good taste, some bad, and all tastes are potentially profitable. Bad wine sells, and premium wine sells. I myself prefer Thunderbird as my communion wine of choice.
Ethics - every one has his or her own; some have good ethics, some bad, and all ethics are potentially profitable. I prefer commericial ethics, or business ethics, as best suited to my station in life, and providing the least friction for my noble trade.
My Role as Servant of Servants to those who Serve America's Wealthiest Families
To teach people of taste (good or bad) and of ethics relative or absolute, high or low, to have what are called priceless conversations, or conversations of purpose, with clients. The advisor then emerges as a Trusted Advisor, Morals Tutor, or Homme d'Confiance (Confidence Man, is one translation).
God has so made this world that every culture has some version of the saying, "Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves in three generations." Other such sayings include, "Remember Caesar that thou art mortal." And, "Dust to dust." And, "Those the gods would destroy, they first make successful." And, "Call no man happy until he is dead."
My Benefit to God's Plan
By training Fools and Knaves to give priceless or purposeful moral counsel, I give God a good laugh. We owe him that much for the mess we and our best clients have made of his earth.