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May 03, 2009


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Jay Taber

In the April 21 FRONTLINE special "Poisoned Waters", the governor of Washington state remarked that without citizen engagement, Puget Sound would become a dead zone. That engagement, noted FRONTLINE, revolved around the state's Growth Management Act.

Growth Management itself was the result of a 1990 citizen's initiative requiring governments to accommodate public participation. Those of us who heeded the call to organize our communities for this purpose were threatened, assaulted, and harassed by vigilantes organized and funded by the Building Industry Association. In 1996, eight of those vigilantes went to prison for making bombs to murder community activists and elected officials.

The lesson was not lost on those on the verge of becoming involved. If you are effective, they will kill you. Judi Bari rest in peace.

Phil Cubeta

Let's try to keep it upbeat, Jay, this is a philanthropy blog. Activism is pretty grungy. The building industry must have some kind of foundation, right? So, they are doing good. Let's emphasize the positive.

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