A new study of affluent donor couples conducted by Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, shows that in 80% of the cases, it it is the woman who takes the lead in making charitable decisions. Yes, I know, philanthropy is gendered female 'cuz it is so soft, warm, fuzzy, and touchy-feely, engorged with the milk of human kindness, but I wonder what percentage of women take the lead in planning the family finances, and hence the % of cash flow and assets devoted to philanthropy. My fear is that women control the charitable allowance, but the husband controls the income statement and the balance sheet. Such was the insight provided by Helen LaKelly Hunt, in her pathbreaking article, "Will Women Fund Their own Revolution?" Giving is done by women in the parlor, while her husband and father and trust officer control the family finances in the counting house. The good news is that as women find their rightful place inside the countinghouse at the planning table as leaders in their own right, the % of assets and income going into giving may well increase. (To the extent I see this at all, it is because strong women, like Tracy Gary, have made it a point to teach me. Metanoia in Greek meant mindshift, and is translated in the King James version as "repentance." I once was blind but now can see. Maybe philanthropy is female as are the Muses to which a male poet must listen, indeed take dicatation, if he is to amount to anything at all.)