The Depression that Hayek Built, at Firedoglake. Elites left free to do as they please becomes corrupt and cruel. As Morals Tutor to America's Wealthiest Families my clients are a welcome exception, whether because of my good work with them or because I am lying to save my business, I can't say.
When I was in law school, my contemporaries dismissed our storied Soviet law prof as out of touch for continuing to teach things like Marxist rhetoric & economic philosophy. Turns out he was ahead of his time!
I mean that seriously. As a historian I immersed myself in his world (I was doing work in Russia at the time), and his observations continue to have a tremendous influence on my understanding of charity and business. The key thing here is that he didn't teach Marxism as an ideal praxis--far from it; he used to advise the US gov't in the 1960s--but as a way of thinking with implications beyond the ebb and flow of Cold War politics.
Posted by: Jeff Trexler | May 13, 2009 at 10:53 AM
The medium is the massage, and the masseuse, Libertarian Ideology, is in Wealth Bondage.
Posted by: Phil Cubeta | May 13, 2009 at 08:03 PM