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May 30, 2009


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Christine Egger

Phil, at times I am so sad, reading your posts. This time, for example. I am my mother. And my grandmother. Shut out, angry, although they did not fully appreciate where their anger came from. What more could they want, when all has been provided for?

And at the same time I am hopeful, because you have written this. And that's sunlight. Which, after all, is hope.

Phil Cubeta

My word, how gratifying to read your comment! The truths in that post were driven into me by strong women who would not let me get away with evasion. Now, the sadness I have is that the doors are open a crack and the strong women still sometimes hesitate to take their proper place of leadership. In the process of going from marginal to central we are changed. Giving up the privileges of being marginalized is actually very difficult. I have experienced that has a blogger. Blogging against is easier than blogging for. In any case, thank you for commenting. This was a difficult post for me because I did not work through my own inner conflict between gratitude and impatience. "Step up," I want to say to these strong women. "Can't you see how sterile is the conversation about money and giving without you? Don't let the giving conversation be marginal. Join the planning table." Then I realize that as per usual I am hectoring them and that my impatience is self defeating.

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