Kunstlerwonders whether amidst the corruption, and the bailouts, and the vertiginous fall in the stock market and in employment, whether the populace is questioning the legitimacy of our socio-political arrangements. We see who suffers, who gets bailed out, and it sickens us. A meritocracy at the top of which sit Madoff, Paulson, a supine SEC, and the tired politicos now joining Obama, seems no meritocracy at all, but a revolving clique of insiders whose collective self-aggrandizement has left us destitute as a nation. The real existing "Free Market" turned out to be a scam. Socializing our problems with money we borrow from China might help, until the currency collapses, but even now, on the horizon Kunstler senses anarchic unrest. American Greatness patrolled by Blackwater and the US Army now deployed on US soil.
Some of us recall Kent State. When the combat traumatized soldiers deployed from Iraq open fire on Code Pink or whomever, the game changes. That the President in now empowered to declare Martial Law and put troops into the streets to quell unrest shows how well anticipated was the meltdown. You would have thought that instead of planning for armed suppression of dissent these politicians might have cleaned up their own act.