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October 18, 2008


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wesley roe

hi everyone
When you are talking about Financial Permaculture don't forget the Permaculture Credit Union www.pcuonline.org
founded in 2001 and based in Santa Fe, but offering loans and savings in every state.

In it's second year of operation 2002 it was recognized as one of the 10 green lending institutes in the US. The PCU pioneered a Sustainable Loan program that rewarded members with a discount on the Interest charged on the loan, for borrowing money that went to earth friendly housing , cars , farms, and more,see website for details

wes roe Board member since 2001

Arthur Brock

Hi Phil,

In this very spirit of sustainability and financial permaculture, yesterday I started a web site about triple-bottom-line money. I invite new questions and feedback about how they work and how we can start using them. Visit threebles.com to jump into the fray.

Also, for sustainable investing, you may want to add Tree Banking to your list.



Thanks, Art, blogged both links.



is a new initiative worth checking out:

"Gaia University and a coalition of partners are launching a Financial Permaculture Course.

It is a collaboratively designed, participatory design of a rural business ecology to create a resilient local ecomony.

We are real time blogging the entire event and creating wikis....check it out @ http://www.financialpermaculture.com

We kick things off on Friday the 24th of October "


(designing rural business ecologies in the Canary Islands)



I will be there, Stella. See you then.

eric Lim

I've done an embedded PowerPoint Presentation on "Financial Tsunami vs. Financial Permaculture" which might contribute a holistic perspective on the causes / effects / possible solutions to the global financial / economic crisis. More detail on blog www.sohominium.blogspot.com. May I also suggest that the words "Permaculture" and "Permablitz" be used both as nounce and verb to do justice to the potential of the movement.


Excellent. Thanks, Eric, blogged it.

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