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September 30, 2008


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Jeff Trexler


Chris Cardona

Congratulations Phil! Well deserved. Look forward to hearing what new insights you generate in this role.

JJ Commoner

Congratulations, Phil. May your wisdom spread.

tom matrullo

Congratulations Phil. May the spirit of Candidia go with you.


Dr. Minim was delighted.

Drake Zimmerman

Bravo! from Advisors in Philanthropy from Education Chair, Drake Zimmerman, on behalf of us all.

Robert S. Thompson

Great news...Congratulations, Phil.
As a board member of AiP, I know that
the future of CAP is in good hands.


Drake and Robert, thank you. Please, lets keep talking about the program and how best to improve and promote it.

Jule Meyer, CFRE

Brilliant! As are you Phil. Makes me think seriously about getting my CAP...


That would be great, Jule. I would love to have your input into the program, if you do go through it. Also, I hope we can form some kind of formal or informal CAP network. It would be great to have you as a part of that.

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