In January I will be joining The American College as Sallie B. and William B. Wallace Chair in Philanthropy:
The Sallie B. and William B. Wallace Chair in Philanthropy is named in honor of its benefactors, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, well-respected philanthropists with close ties to The American College and the insurance industry. Initially funded through annual gifts, the Chair will later be endowed through a charitable trust set up by the Wallace family. The mission of the Wallace Chair is to advance learning and professionalism in philanthropy through the College’s educational programs. The purpose of the chair is to raise the overall level of charitable giving by educating professional fundraisers serving the more than 1 million nonprofit organizations throughout the United States, in particular though the establishment of the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy certificate program. The program will cover the technical aspects of estate planning, trusts, and charitable giving, as well as the nontechnical aspects of fundraising, including communication and motivation.
The Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy is a fine program. I hope to constantly improve it with suggestions from those who have taken the program, or others who have best practices they are willing to share. Ideally, we will co-create a learning community supportive of inspired partnership among advisors, nonprofit leaders, and donors. With so many social needs and the world of finance in turmoil, there has never been a more important time for us all in the planning field to help our clients do what they aspire to do for themselves, their heirs, and for the larger society.