I wonder if my work with wealthy families promoting philanthropy would be a good leg up into a career as an Anti-Social Behavior Manager? Probably a lot of the same skills would be transferable. I should probably start, though, in the more junior position, Anti-Social Behavior Officer, and work my way up to Manager by keeping my nose clean.
In this instance, would one's pay grade depend upon knowledge, skills or competencies with respect to sycophantic obedience ?
Oh, where is the Deputy Editor when you need one ?
Posted by: JJ Commoner | September 13, 2008 at 01:42 PM
The Deputy Editor is my boss now. That is why things here are so normal and dull. We are all working for the Philanthropy Industry as Lucy Bernholz calls it. And in industry, as well all know, the career ladder is best negotiated in a posture not unlike creeping. (As Swift noted generations ago.)
Posted by: Phil | September 13, 2008 at 03:19 PM