A lobbyist with close ties to the White House is offering access to key figures in George W Bush’s administration in return for six-figure donations to the private library being set up to commemorate Bush’s presidency.
There ought to be a wall of honor at the library to commemorate the lobbyists and funders who have made this 8 year masquerade possible. Down one column would be names and amounts, and down the others the political favors traded for those gifts, with a tracking number coded to the materials in the library. Children could go the library to learn how democracy really works. As things are, the kids could learn as much by going to Staples to price a shredder.
Far too much transparency, that suggested wall.
I'd prefer to see a video installation with Dana Perino explaining clearly why Rove and Harriet Myers were able to ignore Congressional subpoenas (in other words, the whys and whats of "executive privilege" spelled out), with a plaque noting which donor or which think tank funded the video and what percentage of Ms. Perino's salary is paid by taxpayers.
Posted by: JJ Commoner | July 15, 2008 at 09:11 AM
"How to Beat the System by Presiding Over It" would be a good title.
Posted by: Phil | July 15, 2008 at 06:31 PM